Invited Papers and Proceedings
P. M. Farrell, R.G. Gregg, A. Simantel, R. Koscik, M.R. Kosorok, A. Laxova, R. Laessig, G. Hoffman, D. Hassemer, E.H. Mischler, and M. Splaingard (1997). Molecular aspects of newborn screening for cystic fibrosis in Wisconsin. In: H.L. Levey, R.J. Hermos, and G.F. Grady (eds). Proceedings of the Third International Society For Neonatal Screening, 43-47.
P. M. Farrell, M.R. Kosorok, M. J. Rock, A. Laxova, L. Zeng, G. Hoffman, R.H. Laessig, and M.L. Splaingard (1999). Assessment of the benefits, risks and costs of cystic fibrosis screening in Wisconsin, USA. In: G. Travert and B. Wursteisen (eds). Proceedings of the International Conference on Neonatal Screening for Cystic Fibrosis at Caen, 239-253.
L. LaVange, W. Sollecito, D. Steffen, L. Evarts, M. Kosorok (2012). Preparing biostatisticians for leadership opportunities. Amstat News, Issue #416 (February), Pages 5-6.
M. Potegal, M.R. Kosorok, and R.J. Davidson (1996). The time course of angry behavior in the temper tantrums of young children. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 794:31-45.
Technical Reports
W.-H. Chao and M. R. Kosorok (1995). Asymptotic estimation theory for Markov regression models for longitudinal categorical data. UW Madison Biostatistics TR97.
A. Choudhury, M.R. Kosorok (2020). Missing data imputation for classification problems (
R. E. Koscik, M. R. Kosorok, P. M. Farrell, J. Collins, M. E. Peters, A. Laxova, C. G. Green, L. Zeng, L. S. Rusakow, R. C. Hardie, P. W. Campbell, and J. W. Gurney (1998). The Wisconsin Cystic Fibrosis Chest Radiograph Scoring System: Further details on validation and standardization for application to longitudinal studies. UW Madison Biostatistics TR129.
M. R. Kosorok (1998). A Monte Carlo method for obtaining the null distribution of function-indexed log-rank statistics. UW Madison Biostatistics TR127.
M. R. Kosorok (2000). Adaptive weighted log-rank tests for group sequential clinical trials. UW Madison Biostatistics and Medical Informatics TR144.
M. R. Kosorok and W.-H. Chao (1995). Further details on the analysis of longitudinal response data in continuous time. UW Madison Biostatistics TR94.
M. R. Kosorok, J. A. Douglas, J. de la Torre (2004). Robust likelihood inference for latent variable models using Markov chain Monte Carlo. UW Madison Biostatistics and Medical Informatics TR185.
M. R. Kosorok, R. Song (2006). Further details on inference under right censoring for transformation models with a change-point based on a covariat threshold. UW Madison Biostatistics and Medical Informatics TR194 (
S. Ma, M. R. Kosorok, T. D. Cook (2003). Software for design and analysis of group sequential clinical trials with multiple primary endpoints. UW Madison Biostatistics and Medical Informatics TR177.
Y. Tang, M. R. Kosorok (2012). Developing adaptive personalized therapy for cystic fibrosis using reinforcement learning. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Biostatistics Technical Report Series. Working Paper 30: